We run different fun Cricket Coaching Sessions depending on your Child’s Age
Pre-schoolers can start Little Wickets as young as 2 1/2 Years Old in our 1st Innings Sessions. When the kids start school (it comes around quickly!), they join our slightly larger 2nd innings sessions, for Boys and Girls in Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 In the 2nd Innings there is an increased focus on ‘The Spirit of Cricket’, Good sportsmanship, teamwork, individual skill development and gameplay.
From Year 3 onwards, children are welcome to continue on with Little Wickets and if there is enough we offer Big Hitters cricket coaching in preparation for joining soft ball or hard ball cricket training at a local Cricket Club.
We have strong links with a number of local cricket clubs and are happy to advise on the next steps after Little Wickets or the local County Cricket Boards can give you more information about Junior Cricket opportunities for Boys & Girls in your area.
What happens at a Little Wickets Cricket Coaching Session?
- The Little Wickets program runs on a weekly basis year-round during the term.
- The sessions are 45 minutes long
- The sessions are delivered by handpicked, qualified and fully vetted sports coaches
- The focus is always on fair play, fun and participation – ‘The Spirit of Cricket’.
- The coaches start with some fun warm-up games and then introduce innovative skill-based activities & games: It’s not a cricket match!
- All the activities have cricket at their heart and are based on the ‘FUNdamentals of movement’, developing hand-eye coordination, individual skills and team co-operation.
- Each cricket training session has a particular theme whether it be batting, bowling, catching, throwing or fielding but all of the elements of the sport are incorporated into all the sessions
- The venues are all indoors, so we’re never a hostage to the weather & we run year-round!
- We do ask that parents (or a nominated adult) stay on-site during the sessions
- The coaches always encourage the kids to join in as independently as possible, however, the grown-ups can join in as much or as little as they feel is necessary* (Don’t be surprised if the adult level of involvement varies from week to week – that is completely normal and irrelevant of the kids’ age or experience at Little Wickets!)
Have a look at a 1st Innings session for pre-school aged toddlers:
Have a look at 2nd Innings session for Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 Kids: